Adaptive Recreation and Learning Exchange
Serving People with Disabilities
AR&LE is Made up of Two Parts
AR = Adaptive Recreation The cities of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, and Richfield offer programs specifically designed for people of all ages with disabilities. Programs include softball, bowling, water aerobics, fitness programs, skiing/snowboarding, golf, as well as a number of social programs for youth and adults.
LE = Learning Exchange The school districts of Bloomington and Richfield Community Education Adults with Disabilities programs work together to offer customized classes for adults with developmental and/or physical disabilities. Classes include cooking, independent living skills, theater and performing arts, health, fitness, and other leisure learning activities.
A Participant Profile is required to participate in AR&LE programs.
Bloomington Adaptive Recreation Summer 2025 Sports
Richfield Adaptive Recreation activities for January through April
Learning Exchange activities for April through early June
Register for Learning Exchange's 40th Anniversary Celebration
Additional updates will be posted here, please check back.
Thank you for your continued interest!
Bloomington Adaptive Recreation
Matt Colwell, Recreation Supervisor
TTY 952-563-8740
Information about Bloomington Adaptive Recreation
Register for Bloomington Adaptive Recreation
Eden Prairie Adaptive Recreation
Nicole Weedman, Sr. Recreation Supervisor
MN Relay Service at 711
Edina Adaptive Recreation
Amanda Clarke, Recreation Supervisor
TTY 952-826-0379
Richfield Adaptive Recreation
Ann Jindra, Recreation Supervisor
MN Relay Service at 711
Learning Exchange
Janet Clarke, Learning Exchange Coordinator
MN Relay Service at 711